Sunday, January 30, 2011

the semester begins

...and already, my mother is jobless, my incredible new diet lies shattered at my pudgy feet, I've already skipped a day of class, I'm fighting the wickedest cold virus known to biology, and a boy I like gave me the "let's be friends" talk before I even really asked him out. This is just the top of the list, mind you.

Get past the kvetching, though, and things aren't all that bad.

Well, maybe. Actually, the best thing going for me right now is my rapid re-acquiring of the French language, which has made taking a course in it after a year and a half long moratorium on the Language of Love extremely easy.

Of course I miss my main linguistic lover, German, whose gruff sounds, algebraic grammar, and bloody history inspire tremendous fear in lesser students. This is the first semester since I began taking it (6 years ago) that I've gone without being in some sort of German class. I keep up with it in small ways: films, casual conversation with fellow speakers, and by acting as Secretary to the ghettotastic German Club here at the university. It's a truly remarkable tongue; harsh, but beautiful in complexity; technical and exacting, but able to express the passions and opinions of some of the greatest minds in human history as adeptly as the over-hyped Romance languages.

I wish I had more to say at the moment, but it's nearly 2am and I have French in 7 hours, so adieu.


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